We are all trying our best to get through this crisis — and bounce back as social distancing rules are relaxed. Effective communication is essential as we look toward recovery. That’s why I’m teaming up with Stephanie C. Mitchell, writing coach and communications consultant, to offer this new workshop.
Stephanie and I have tailored this workshop for exactly this time of change and high stress, when we naturally fall back on familiar patterns of behaviour and communication. What happens when the old ways of doing things are no longer possible?
This workshop will give you the tools you need to communicate more effectively using different platforms. Drawing on personality-based research, you will learn to identify the common strengths and pitfalls of different types of communicators, and recognize where you may need to adapt.
Understand your own style and learn to flex to get the best out of the people you work with. Learn what your presentation style and written words say about you — and how you can get your message across.
Contact me to find out how we can help you and your team communicate better.
Want to learn more?
If you are curious about how your personality impacts the way you communicate, sign up to take the MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator®) and receive your personalized communications report and a one hour interpretive session.
Or if you just want to set up a call to fill me in on how things are going in your world, I’d love to hear from you!