
18 12, 2024

The Gift of Snow

2024-12-18T10:10:19-04:00December 18th, 2024|Newsletter and resources|

Last week, a heavy snowfall arrived in parts of Ontario. The snow came down for two days solid in the Grey Highlands where I spend half my time these days. I was working from an office in our old “farmhouse” and watching the snowfall, reflecting on the seasonal change and what it means to me.

29 02, 2024

Exploring the Third Act

2024-09-30T09:28:43-04:00February 29th, 2024|Newsletter and resources|

People sometimes ask me if it’s hard to coach individuals who say they want to change direction but keep doing the same old things that hold them back. One friend said recently, “It must be so frustrating when they don’t take your advice”.

22 08, 2023

Connecting to People and Place

2023-08-22T10:17:22-04:00August 22nd, 2023|Newsletter and resources|

There is nothing like visiting a place to deepen your understanding of its people, customs, and culture. Last month Kevin and I hit the road and traveled to Atlantic Canada, with a delightful stopover along the south shore of the St Lawrence River in Quebec.

20 06, 2023

What’s Your Personal Best?

2023-06-20T02:59:38-04:00June 20th, 2023|Newsletter and resources|

I recently completed my first 10 km race. I’m 55 years old and was never a runner. When the pandemic shut down the local gym, I found myself choosing to run to stay fit and manage my stress. Three years later, I achieved a “personal best”, running 10 km in under an hour.

11 01, 2023

Overcoming Inertia

2023-01-11T04:06:16-04:00January 11th, 2023|Newsletter and resources|

After a wonderful restful holiday, I found myself feeling fatigued and overwhelmed at the start of the new year. The past year was jam-packed with barely enough time to catch my breath. When I finally slowed down, it was hard to get the engine going, despite the best of intentions and lots of exciting new ideas for 2023. Sound familiar?

17 11, 2022

Mentors Who Made a Difference

2023-01-11T04:05:51-04:00November 17th, 2022|Newsletter and resources|

I recently became a Mentor Coach with the International Coach Federation and will be offering a group Mentor Coaching Program in 2023 to certified coaches who are renewing their credentials and coaches in training who are seeking certification for the first time.

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