Lessons from the Edge
To learn something new, we have to begin by letting go. I learned this lesson in November during a trip to Israel led by Rabbi Elysse Goldstein, a progressive educator and adventurer. Our trip included rappelling down the side of the Ramon Crater in the Negev desert. This was one of the most terrifying and exhilarating things I have done in a long time.
Facing my fear of heights never seemed like a high priority, but watching as the other women strapped on their helmets and harnesses, I was inspired. I had to do this. While I was hanging from that cliff paralyzed with fear, our guide Nadav started shouting at me to let go. “What? Are you crazy?” I gasped. He repeated calmly, “Breathe. Let Go. Look around.” And because my feet had nowhere else to go, I had no choice. So I let go. As I gazed out at the breathtaking expanse, suspended in space and time, for a brief moment I was fully present.
I landed shakily on the ledge, with the help of Rabbi Elysse’s supportive hands and I was filled with a sense of wonder. Had I really done that? When my heart stopped racing, I thought, “Now, I can do anything”.
Making a career change is a bit like rappelling off a cliff for the first time. Opening up to the expanse of new possibilities can feel exciting for some, but overwhelming and terrifying for many. Working with a coach is a bit like having a guide at the top of the cliff to remind you to breathe, to be present, and to know that you will have a supportive set of hands to help you soften the landing.
Have your own story to share about letting go? Email me at lianne@krakauer.ca.
To arrange a coaching session, contact me directly. My new office is located at 10 St Mary Street, near Yonge and Bloor. Or visit my office at the Octopus Garden Yoga Centre at 967 College Street West www.octopusgardenyoga.com.
NEW FOR 2012
Interview Skills Crash Course: Are you in the midst of a job search or exploring career possibilities? This hands-on coaching program can help you build confidence in interviews and networking. As a professional career coach and recruiter, I can provide invaluable insights and feedback to help you succeed. Contact Lianne for details.
Women in Transition: A workshop for women who are navigating career, health and life changes during mid-life. Join a group of diverse, creative, curious women for an evening of lively discussion and inspiration.
When: Tuesday February 28, 2012, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Where: Centre for Social Innovation, Annex
Contact Lianne for registration details.
Lianne Krakauer is an experienced Career Coach and Leadership Consultant who helps individuals to create more meaningful work and life experiences. Her Solutions-Focused approach is collaborative, results-oriented and focuses on strengths and possibilities for positive change.
Lianne also designs and facilitates workshops for work place teams. Visit www.krakauer.ca for details.
Lianne has a Bachelor of Laws and a Masters of Education (Counselling Psychology) from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Western Ontario. She is a member of the Ontario Association of Consultants, Counsellors, Psychometrists and Psychotherapists. Lianne is also a trained yoga teacher.