A client recently shared with me a deeply meaningful gift she had received from a dying friend. It was a piece of jewelry in the shape of a turtle with a card that read: “What’s worth slowing down for”? Inside the card, the answer was “You are”.

This personal story touched me as I too struggle to slow down. Like many of my clients, I’m accustomed to responding quickly. Getting results. Checking thing off the “to do” list fast. Many of us are keeping up an impossibly fast pace at work and at home. I hear from clients and colleagues regularly that they feel fatigue and overwhelm, and they aren’t sure what to do about it. One client said, “it’s like I’m carrying a backpack every day and it’s filling up with more and more responsibilities. Pretty soon I won’t be able to keep carrying the load”.

When your load is getting too heavy, it’s time to hit pause and slow down. Then you can be deliberate about your choices. You have at least three:

  • Keep adding more stuff.
  • Toss the pack off your back.
  • Pause and examine the contents, then choose to let go of something.

Slowing down gives you a chance to make better choices.

Applying this to leadership, coach Scott Osman writes:

“By slowing down to observe and reflect, moving smoothly to minimize disruption, and finding our flow, we can achieve more with less stress and greater satisfaction. This approach allows us to lead intentionally, foster harmony within our teams, and adapt gracefully to change.”

The next time something seems urgent, practice taking a pause before you react and see what happens. It’s possible you will discover a better way of responding, or not need to respond at all! Slowing down creates space for learning and growth. Finding new ways of doing things. Making better decisions and learning to be a better colleague, boss, and friend.

What might you see differently when you slow things down?

Imagine you are riding a Ferris wheel that’s going too fast and feels out of control. What if you could take charge of the control station and slow it right down. Assuming you aren’t afraid of heights…what if you could enjoy the ride and view from up top?

Maybe you notice you need to start breathing more deeply. Maybe you are able to let go of the small stuff from here. Maybe you are simply able to enjoy the view.

Personally, I am committed to slowing down this summer, starting with an extended vacation. And I have lots of questions about how to slow down after the vacation ends. How to integrate “slow flow” into my regular routines.

I know this will be a challenge but I’m ready to try. I would love to hear from you on what you are trying to do to slow things down.

Because you ARE worth it.


I will be away from July 6th to July 26th. For any inquiries about our coaching services and client scheduling, please contact my Executive Assistant Beth McGillivary at info@krakauer.ca.

If you find yourself stuck on a high speed and can’t figure out how to slow things down, reach out for a coaching conversation in August.

To book your complimentary consultation click here or contact Beth at info@krakauer.ca.

Our team of coaches is available to provide support. Read about the KCI team here.

See you in August!
